【同义词辨析】 2018-04-11 传唤summon-muster
summon: implies the exercise of authority, and may imply a mandate, imperative order OR urgency: ~ by the court to appear as a witness.
call: is used less formally and emphatically for summon: the President ~ Congress for a special session.
cite: implies a summoning to court usually to answer a charge: ~ to answer the charge of drunken driving.
convoke: implies a summoning to assemble, esp. for deliberative or legislative purposes: ~ an assembly of the world's leading scientists.
convene: is somewhat less formal or emphatic than convoke: ~ the students in the school auditorium.
muster: suggests a calling up of a number of things that form a group in order that they may be exhibited, displayed, or utilized as a whole for some purpose: ~ the troops for an inspection.
summon传唤: 表示行使职权,表示命令或急迫情况,call也是传唤: 正式程度和语气稍弱,cite: 去接受诉讼,convoke: 传唤去集会,特别是审慎考虑(deliberate)或立法,convene: 正式程度和语气稍弱,muster: 集合汇聚作为整体利用展示。
记忆方法: 1)SCCCCM: 四个中国人没事==>传唤到一起打麻将。
2)传唤的意思是要求出现mean to demand the presence of.
3)每个词的解释都用到第一个词summon传唤(muster除外用call up)。